The One Where She Makes Some Fancy Shit

Why is it when you put a fried egg on top of a dish it’s all of a sudden a million times fancier than it was before? I don’t know but it’s true.  Ask anyone. It’s a fact.

I LIVE for putting fried eggs on top of otherwise boring dishes and it makes any meal that was fairly easy a million times more impressive.  So yep we’re gonna talk about dishes that range from easy to hard and how they are immediately leveled up by the addition of a fried egg.


Alright lets start with ramen.

As a college graduate I know how to eat ramen and I am a FAN.  I know the ramen life all too well and Peace Corps has not changed it or take that away from me.  If anything it has solidified my love of instant noodles.  Now as an ADULT I know how to dress up ramen and it’s super easy and still cheap.  All you need is a fried egg, green onions and Sriracha.  Your ramen is upgraded and respectable.


Fried Rice

This should be a no brainer.  There’s literally eggs IN fried rice but if you put fried eggs on top it’s even better.  The runny yolks make the whole thing a million times more delicious.  This is actually one of my favorite breakfasts to make for myself.  It’s super easy and quick and delicious and keeps me full usually until dinner time which is what I look for.  I don’t have a lunch break at school so I need something that’s gonna keep me going through school and clubs and meetings after school.


Ok lets step it up a little bit. Spaghetti with sautéed eggplant and zucchini.

Now this would be delicious on it’s own but we’re gettin fancy.  The veggies were sautéed in olive oil with greek seasonings and drenched in parmesan cheese.  The egg on top just adds a little something extra.  The yolk tastes great with the veggies and pasta and it just makes the whole thing more appealing and down right delicious.



This is mushroom risotto, with cauliflower steak and a fried egg. LET ME TELL YOU. This is amazing.  Risotto while it may look scary is super easy to make.  This one with mushroom and probably too much parmesan cheese (not true) was super quick and then the cauliflower steaks are also super easy to make.  Simply cut cauliflower like steaks, think big thick full chunks.  Lay them out to roast on a pan and start with salt, pepper and olive oil.  Then once they’re almost done take them out and coat them with a mixture of parsley, garlic and butter.  Go heavy on the mixture.  Then top it all with an egg. BAM. This meal with impress literally everyone. Fuck I’m impressed by myself!

There it is.  The fool proof trick to make any meal fancy as fuck.

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